The Swift Darning Loom is on tour!
Did you know that the Swift Darning Loom is named for the bird? It ended up a fun play on words because "swift" is also associated with speed, but it's especially a hat tip to our feathered migrating friends.

We have three special Darning and Weaving Bundles to send around the world on this "#MendingMigration". We’ll pass them around through the mail and share stories about the darning and weaving creations we make.

The Migration is open to anyone interested, you don't need a platform or even a public social media profile in order to participate. We'll collect your photos/media and publish everything under Worth Mending (though you are also welcome and encouraged to share your process and experience however you please!!).

Every host will have 3-4 weeks (max) to darn, weave, and experiment before sending the whole kit on to the next person. You'll share photos and/or videos plus the option of a written reflection we'll publish on our blog.

Please fill in the form below if you'd like to participate. We look forward to working with you, and will be in touch as soon as possible. There are three looms in circulation, so there will be a bit of a wait list, but we hope that it will be worth it to follow along virtually before it's your turn!

This project is inspired by Rainie of The Unusual Pear and her Travelling Loom series. Thanks for your enthusiasm about this unrelated spin-off, Rainie!

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Email *
Your name + pronouns:
Your social media links/handles/website/however we can be in touch:
Please tell us a little bit about yourself and why you're interested in joining in on our project. This might include your mending experience (or lack thereof), or just how you fit in here!
All walks of life are welcome and encouraged to join us. We welcome you to include any self-identification details that you would like to share e.g. 2SLGBTQIA+, BIPOC, dis/ability, gender, etc. This is optional and any answers will be kept confidential on our end.
What COUNTRY are you in? (Just country. This is to help us sort our applications).
Where are you located, but more specific: Please provide city, state/territory/province, and country so that we can add you to the correct waiting list.

(Do not include your mailing address. We'll ask your address + that you consent to a confidentiality agreement re: participant addresses once you are selected.)
On top of geographic logistics, we also have to consider timing. When is the best time for you to host the Migrating Loom? Are there any weeks/months that would definitely not work for you?

(We will be in touch prior to adding you to the queue, and let you know how long the wait may be. We will confirm your address and make sure you are available before sending the Mending Migration package your way.)
Do you typically share on social media in any language(s) other than English? if so, which? (we know that english is dominant online but would love to see other languages represented!)
What we need from you: This project is about SHARING our varied mending and weaving experiences with the Swift Darning Loom, to inspire others in their own mending practices.

Each participant is required to create photo (or video) content and a written (or voice note) reflection about your experience that can be shared on social media and on our blog. We will also schedule a half hour video/voice call at some point during your tour stop to chat about you, your creative/mending practice, and any questions, ideas, plans you have for your time with the loom!

Check below to acknowledge your part.
How did you find out about this project? If you were referred by a friend, please include their name and/or social media contact.
Who would you like to recommend or see on this #MendingMigration tour? Include their name and social media contact below so we know who sent them, and then, if you're so inclined, invite them to fill out our form :)
Shipping logistics may get complicated: we will likely be able to email you a prepaid shipping label (that you will print) within Canada/USA but internationally, you will need to arrange shipping to the next person yourself, then send us a receipt for reimbursement. The easiest way to reimburse internationally is via PayPal. Do you have (or would you be willing to create) a PayPal account for this purpose?
What question(s) should we add to this questionnaire that we missed?
A space to ask any further questions you have for us:
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