The Passive
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Write down your surname and form. *
1).  It was created____Alexander Parkes. *
1 punto
2). It____Parkesine. *
1 punto
3).  More types of plastic_____produced between 1865 and 1927. *
1 punto
4).  In 1927 polyamide_____discovered by scientists. *
1 punto
5). Polyamide is also_____as 'nylon'. *
1 punto
6).  In 1939 the first nylon clothes_____. *
1 punto
7).  They were_____by millions of ordinary people. *
1 punto
8).  Now, thousands of products are made_____ plastic. *
1 punto
9).  Some books was / were left in the classroom. *
1 punto
10).  Why was / were you disliked at school? *
1 punto
11). When was / were your room last painted? *
1 punto
12). Was / Were your phone made in China? *
1 punto
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