PROCESSING -  My Plural Self. An online gathering for all persons - LGBTQIA allies, and community members, fellow Action Theyroes, Sheroes, Heroes and for those who do not claim a vocabulary.
In an online gathering of voices titled  'Processing', Blank Noise facilitates conversations recognising identities as plural, fluid and flowing.

Is there something you wish to process about yourself? Some of the questions that guide the event Processing include: Where are we at right now? How do I identify?  What is the vocabulary I want to own and locate myself in while understanding my own sexuality, gender, caste and class?  Are you and I processing these questions alone? What could be the potential outcome of Processing together?

Join in to create a listening and/or witnessing circle, 'Processing'. Process these questions, alone and together this Saturday, 19th June 2021. We support participation (Within the limits that feel comfortable - listening, witnessing, sharing, and more) and are not one to support observation. Instead of observing, let's process together :)

This session offers to be a space for all persons, Action Sheroes / Theyroes / Heroes part of the LGBTQIA+ community, allies, and those who are still processing to build together!  Blank Noise is introducing this session in light of Pride Month. We hope to continue to build sessions, cultivate environments that give each of us the permission to process questions, some of which may be forbidden or unexplored.

Join in on Saturday, June 19th.  10 AM IST - 12 noon IST
The session will be anonymous and audio-only.
Any personal information that you provide within this form is confidential.
It will be conducted on zoom with pseudonyms. It will be audio recorded.

This form may take 5 minutes to fill. It contains 3 sections - the first one addressing details of what processing means to you, the second section guides Blank Noise to preserve anonymity, and the third section for confirming your presence on Saturday.
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
Name *
What are your Pronouns ?
She / They / He /  Ze / ZirXe / xyrHir / hirs / others
What do you identify as?
It's okay if you're not fixed on a specific identity. If you wish, you can also add " I am Processing and figuring it out*
Mobile Number *
The phone number is just for the records.
Which city/town/place and country are you joining the session from?
What language do you speak?
This meeting will predominantly be in English. We will be able to share the spoken languages in the group after registrations.
What do you wish to process? *
For example:  "I wish to process my sexuality" Or  "I think I am straight, but lately, I've been having feelings....I don't know" .
In processing my feelings and experiences alone, I have often felt:
Example: "I have often felt lonely" Or "I have felt safe"
In processing together, I wish to feel: *
Example: "I wish to find a safe space, a group of people who understand me" / " I don't identify as Queer, not sure if I do....but I want to listen and maybe process for myself too.... "
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