Ribbon Cutting Form
Please fill out the form in detail. After finishing the form please email me a photo and or logo to use for the posts.  If you have any questions please contact Alyson Morse at 3367513304 or amorse@daviecounty.com

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Name of Company:  
Location Phone number
Address of Event: (Example: Davie County Chamber 135 S. SALISBURY ST. | MOCKSVILLE, NC)
Bio for company. This helps us market and will also be used to introduce your company day of.
Requested Date for Event (must be approved by Chamber): Choice 1 *
Requested Date for Event (must be approved by Chamber): Choice 2 *
Time of Event:   *
Point of Contact: *
POC Email:   *
POC Cell:   *
Will you be providing door prizes
Will you be providing refreshments and/or appetizers *
Who will be speaking on behalf of the company: (please add a bio for the chamber to be able to introduce them) *
Any special announcements or promotions during event (to help us promote your event
Is this business a part of any other organizations? i.e. Chambers or other associations that we could look at partnering with for this event *
Would you like to make this event open to the public? Yes or No *
Please let us know if you have any notible mentions you would like the Chamber to bring up. Exapmle: something that sets you aside from the competion, awards, organizations the owner supports and more 
Company Facebook
Company Instagram
Company Website
Do you have any questions?
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