KEEN on Pet Care - Sitter Interest
Interested in joining the KEEN on Pet Care team as a pet sitter? Please complete this short interest form below.
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Email *
My Name (Last Name, First Name) *
My Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) *
My contact information is: *
Why I want to join the KEEN on Pet Care team as a pet sitter: *
My qualifications for being a pet sitter include: *
I have the following references who can be contacted to speak to my pet-sitting experience/qualifications (List 2 with their contact method): *
If KEEN on Pet Care follows procedures to ensure there are no prohibitive or barring offenses, activities, charges, or other involvement as they pertain to caring for pets in various settings associated with your name or your record, would that be a problem? Please explain. *
My availability for being a pet sitter includes the following (check all that apply): *
I am available the following days (generally speaking): *
I am available the following times (generally speaking): *
My comfort level with using technology for business procedures (web-based programs, google resources, and apps): *
Not at all
My comfort level working with the general public: *
Not at all
My communication skills are: *
I am responsive (timely response/communication with customers and teammates): *
Not at all responsive
Very responsive
Customer service is important *
Not at all
Who is our primary customer (not a trick question)? *
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