Best He-Man Character: GPCD Poll
By the Power of Grayskull! He-Man and the Masters of the Universe have been battling for pop-culture supremacy for nearly 40 years. Buff men and women in a techo-medieval alternate dimension fighting for ultimate power -- what's not to love? The series based around the Mattel action-figure line went on to introduce dozens of iconic characters, not to mention spin-off shows, reboots, and a movie or two. Now the Great Pop Culture Debate podcast wants to go back to Eternia to determine the Best He-Man & the Masters of the Universe character of all time, and we want YOUR opinions!

For the purposes of this episode/poll, we are sticking strictly to the original Masters of the Universe property from the 1980s, not any of the subsequent reboots/revisitings. To make our list, the character must have either 1) had its own action figure at the time OR 2) had a notable appearance on the original Masters of the Universe cartoon. Note that we ARE including She-Ra characters that appeared in Masters of the Universe episodes, including the Holiday Special. But we are not including ALL She-Ra characters. That will be a separate episode.

Pick as many from the list below as you like. Did we miss your favorite? Drop the character name in the field below and we might discuss it in the episode!

The 16 top vote-getters will be discussed in a future season of the Great Pop Culture Debate podcast. Find out more at
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Who are your favorite He-Man & the Masters of the Universe characters? (Pick as many as you like) *
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