2024 Milwaukee Cyber Cheese FRC Interest
Thank you for your interest in joining MSOE's high school community FRC team, Milwaukee Cyber Cheese! We will be contacting families 2 weeks before our first team meeting of the season.

All meetings take place the MSOE STEM Center located at 1444 N. Water Street.

Fall Meeting Schedule: Tuesdays, October 8th - December 17th -> 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Build Season Schedule: Begins January 4th -> Tuesdays, Thursdays @ 5:00 p.m. & Saturday Mornings (Final Times TBD)

There is no cost to join the team or participate! Students should be able to attend most meetings. If you want to join the team but fall sports preclude you from making early season meetings, please indicate below. 

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Email *
Student First & Last Name *
Student E-mail Address *
Parent or Guardian First & Last Name *
Parent or Guardian E-mail Address *
Student Grade Level in 2024 - 2025  *
FRC robotics teams are only allowed to register high school students. Please email stem@msoe.edu if you have a younger student who wishes to join a robotics team at MSOE.
What areas / subteams are you interested in? *
You do not need to have any skills or experience in the below areas. Knowing student interest helps us plan for the season ahead! You can change your mind at any time and this does not commit you to any specific subteams.
Do you have any prior robotics or coding experience? If so, tell us a little bit below.

Experience is not required - it helps us know what experiences students are coming to the team with.
Is there anything you would like us to know about your student to help make their experience great? (Learning disabilities, allergies, mobility issues, etc.?)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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