Guest Speaker @ Weekly Communication Support
Every week, Social Impact Studios holds space on Wed @10am-11am for Weekly Communications Support on Zoom. It is a time to talk about emerging issues in communication as well as long-standing challenges we all have over and over.

We love to include Guest Speakers on topics connected to communication and social impact (and that could be just about anything!).

Join us as a Guest Speaker for a $50 stipend. All you need to do is think about the topic you'd like to discuss and show up. You can have a presentation or not, either way works. The format of each week's meet up is that the lead speaker frames the topic and then we open it up for discussion. That's it!

Our team at Social Impact Studios promotes each week's topic through a dedicated e-mail twice a week (that you can share with your community) and through social media where you could be tagged.

I hope you'll join me! Please fill out the form below and I'll get back in touch.
Thank you,
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
Name *
E-Mail Address *
What topic would you like to bring? Please include a short paragraph we can use to promote it. *
Are there any days that wouldn't work for you? Wed @10am
Where to send your $50 stipend online payment?
Comments or Ideas?
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