SICAA Sign-on Letter
We invite you to sign on to support The Stop Institutional Child Abuse Act (SICAA). Please review the sign on letter here, HR 2955, & S 1351

We are accepting signatures from national, state, and local entities as well as individual advocates and supporters. We encourage you to share this letter with your networks to help gain further support. 

Email Rebecca Mellinger with Paris Hilton's office at with any questions. By signing this form you agree to receive communication from Paris Hilton's 11:11 Media. 
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Are you signing as an individual or on behalf of an organization? *
If you are an organization, please write the name of the organization (as you would like it to appear publicly):
Name of authorized signer? *
Email Address? *
If you are an organization and would like a quote included in press releases, please submit your quote here:
If you are an individual with lived experience, please write the name of the facility you attended, and years attended (ex. Provo Canyon School, 2017-19)
If you are signing as an individual, what is your current zip code?
What is the best phone number to reach you at?
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