CASE .NET M3 Exam Prep
Secure Application Design and Architecture
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Security negligence at design and architecture phase may lead to vulnerabilities that are difficult to detect and expensive to fix. *
10 points
Which of the following are true about Secure Application Design principles? *
10 points
Which of the following is true about Threat Modelling? *
10 points
What is the purpose of the STRIDE Model? *
10 points
Which of the following are true about the DREAD model? *
10 points
Regarding Design Secure Application Architecture, which of the following are true? *
10 points
Security vigilance at design phase enables detecting potential security flaws late in the SDLC. *
10 points
Secure design of an application is based on security requirements identified in the previous phase of the SDLC. *
10 points
Secure design is not challenging , as designing required security controls does not obstruct the business functionality requirements. *
10 points
What is the goal of the Secure Design Process? *
10 points
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