2022 演出體驗計劃『非・傳不可』系列 Performance Experience Project [Cultural Inheritance] Series
今次計劃的構思來自對畿內亞的文化和藝術的熱愛和尊重,為支持並傳承畿內亞的傳統音樂舞蹈和文化!在此感謝所有大師,老師和朋友。This program is created with love and respect to Guinean culture and art, offering support and value to sustain the culture of dance and traditional music of Guinea! Thanks to all masters, teachers and friends we learnt from.

​This project is comprised of 2 parts,

Workshops : we move through the history, context, music, dance and culture from various ethnic groups within the Manding regions of West Africa.

​Performance : All workshops participants will together perform a piece of small-scale artwork at the end of the workshop.

參加者可選擇參加1小時的非洲鼓或舞工作坊或同時選擇鼓+舞 2小時工作坊的訓練來挑戰自己!
We gives the option of taking a 1-hour djembe class or pushing yourself through the drums plus dance training challenge of 2-hour sessions!

招生對象 Participants :對非洲音樂,舞蹈文化有興趣之公眾人士 public who interested to African Music, Dance and culture.

* 對音樂、舞蹈和藝術有興趣,無音樂或舞蹈基礎也可參加 participants with or without dance background are welcome

limited quota

更多詳情 More :https://www.afosconnexion.com

1. 於20/7/2022 前報名,可享9折優惠;
10% early-bird discount on program fee on or before 20 July, 2022.
2. 二人同行可享95折優惠;
Enjoy 5% off for two guests joining together;
3. 如同時選擇鼓+舞 2小時工作坊的訓練來挑戰自己,可享9折優惠
Enjoy 10% off If pushing yourself through the "drums + dance training" challenge of 2-hour sessions.

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