SOF Health Deep Dive Feedback Survey
Thank you for joining us for the SOF Health Deep Dive on Chronic Back Pain and Care in SOF, hosted by Military Special Operations Family Collaborative. Please take this short survey to help us get you the information and resources you need. We take your feedback seriously and will use it to shape future programs and events for the SOF community.
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What is your affiliation with the SOF community? *
Did you find the information and resources relevant to your needs and interests? *
Not at all relevant
Extremely relevant
How likely are you to recommend an event like this to a friend? *
Not at all likely
Extremely likely
Which part of the event had the most impact on you?
How did you hear about this event? *
Do you have any suggestions for MSOFC that might improve the SOF Health Deep Dive events?
Did you experience any technical difficulties with the event platform? If yes, please describe in the feedback section below.
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What health topics would you like to see covered in future events?
Please share any other thoughts, comments, or questions with us regarding this event here - we really appreciate your feedback! (please include your email address if you would like to be contacted regarding your feedback).
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