Foreign Chair Application C-MIMUN 2021
You are applying as a Chairperson for Churkin Moscow International Model United Nations 2021. C-MIMUN 2021 is held on 18-23 April 2021. When finished, please, press “Submit”
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Important information and rules to consider before filling the application form
Information above has been read and taken into consideration *
Personal Information
1. First name *
2. Middle name
3. Last name *
4. Gender *
5. Date of birth *
6. Nationality *
Bear point №4 ("Important information and rules" mentioned above) in mind
Contact  Information
1. City *
2. Country *
3. Address *
4. E-mail *
5. Skype login *
6. Phone number *
With international code
7. When is it convenient for you to be contacted to have an interview via video call by phone/ via Skype/Zoom ? (Paris time, GMT +1) *
Academic Information
1. Educational Institution *
2. City *
3. Country *
4. Year of study *
5. Field of study *
Committees and Agendas
To see the Committee Boards (Russian Chairs and Expert/s) and other important information (e.g. Expert Report, that is equal to Study Guide) - please visit the website : (new version of the cite will be available on December 8)
1.1 First committee choice *
1.2 Explain your choice *
Maybe, this committee/agenda is a part of your scientific interest, or you have always dreamt to chair this committee etc (write from 100 to 200 words)
2.1 Second committee choice *
2.2 Explain your choice *
Maybe, this committee/agenda is a part of your scientific interest, or you have always dreamt to chair this committee etc (write from 75 to 150 words)
3.1 Third committee choice *
3.2 Explain your choice *
Maybe, this committee/agenda is a part of your scientific interest, or you have always dreamt to chair this committee etc (write from 50 to 100 words)
4.  MUN Experience *
Name of the conference, year, your role (mentioning your experience as a Delegate or Chair as well as a part of MUN Secretariat/Officials Group)
5. Tell us about your other prior achievements and experience that, in your opinion, can help you to perform successfully as a Chairperson. *
6. Language skills *
Language, your level
7. Please, write a Motivation Letter, answering the following questions:       • Why do you want to be a Chairperson at C-MIMUN 2021?                                     • Why should we give you the position of a Chairperson?                      • What does MUN mean for you? *
In English, French, Spanish, Chinese or Arabic, according to your primary committee preference (200-500 words)
8. Describe your chairing style. *
9. You have just finished the committee agenda for the day and you have one hour remaining. As a Chairperson what would you do in this situation? *
10. At C-MIMUN, while the best delegate is chosen by the committee, other outstanding delegates are awarded oral honorable mentions by chairpersons. What criteria would you use to determine who deserves the award? *
11. Why MUNs are important for you, why do you think MUNs are important to organized? *
Other Information
1. Visa *
Do you need visa assistance?
2. Do you wish to add anything else?
3. I hereby agree for my personal information to be processed. *
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