ConnCAN 2020 distance learning survey for families
Please complete the following survey to share your experience with distance learning so we can ensure schools are fulfilling their promise of a high-quality education for students.
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In what district does your child(ren) attend school? *
In what grade is your student(s)? (check all that apply) *
Where are you accessing distance learning resources? (check all that apply) *
Do you have a dedicated computer for distance learning? *
How satisfied are you with district communication regarding classwork, expectations and availability of resources? *
How satisfied are you with the quality of the distance learning school work? *
How satisfied are you with the difficulty / rigor of the distance learning school work? *
How satisfied are you with the district's ability to provide necessary resources (food, technology, school supplies) for distance learning? *
Overall, how satisfied are you with your school district's response to the COVID-19 crisis? *
Please describe what your district did well to prepare for the COVID-19 crisis.
Please describe what your district could have done better to prepare for the COVID-19 crisis.
Please list what additional resources you would like access to (i.e. translation, tutoring, teacher office hours, etc.)
Please describe your distance learning experience in a few short sentences.
Do you give ConnCAN permission to include your anonymous responses in our blog, 'Distance learning & the voices of CT families?' *
OPTIONAL:  What race / ethnicity do you identify?
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