Georgia Museum of Natural History Internship Program Application
Applications are due November 1st for the following spring and April 1st for the following fall. Summer applications are accepted by either deadline. Due to a limited number of positions, not all applicants will be placed in an internship, and interviews may be requested. Applicants will be notified of decisions within approximately four weeks following the deadline. 
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Semester Requested (Fall, Spring, or Summer and Year)
Name (Last, First, MI)
Email Address
Academic Year
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Graduation Semester and Year
Please indicate your 1st choice of Collection to work in
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Please indicate your 2nd choice of Collection to work in
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Please indicate your 3rd choice of Collection to work in
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List any relevant coursework you have completed.
Desired course prefix (dependent on collection)
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Please write a personal statement below in 500 words or less explaining your short and long term academic and career goals. Indicate how your internship experience will help you reach those goals. If you have a preferred curator, you may also list them here. 
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