Alumni Feedback on Curriculum 2023 - 24

Please rate the curriculum of 2023 -24 on the following parameters using the 4 –point scale given. For details of the curriculum please visit the Institution Website

Email *
1. Full name  *
2. Programme /Course Studied
3. Period of Study ( eg: 2023-2024)
4. Address for the Correspondence
5. Please rate the CBME curriculum of 2023-24 on the following parameters using 4 point scale ( For details of the curriculum, please refer the institution website) *
Poor (1)
Good (2)
Very Good (3)
Excellent (4)
1. Foundation Course - Orientation to Medical Profession
2. Early Clinical Exposure - Correlation of theory knowledge with practical experience
3. Horizontal Integration - Understanding of Concepts
4. Vertical Integration - Application of knowledge in clinical settings
5. Competencies covered in line with domains- Knowledge, Skill, Attitude, Communication
6. Use of Innovative teaching-learning methods- Small group discussion
7. Use of Innovative teaching-learning methods- DOAP Demonstrate, Observe, Assist, Perform
8. Use of Innovative teaching-learning methods- Self directed learning
9. Learning Value (in terms of knowledge, concepts, skills building, analytical abilities)
10. Pandemic Module - Competencies covered satisfactorily
11. AETCOM Module - Competencies covered satisfactorily
12. Family Adoption Program - Regular visits and interaction with the allotted familites
13. Clarity and relevance of reading material
14. Overall Rating
Suggestions for improvement *
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