Teaching Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust: Free Online Teacher Training - July 13 @4pm EST via Zoom
Please fill out this form to register for Tactics of Resistance - Free Online Teacher Training. Expand your students’ thinking about the spectrum of possible responses to genocide and other forms of aggression – from non-violent to armed resistance. This program will classroom lesson plans, study guides, films and biographies and video testimonies from Jewish partisans. This program is co-presented by the Holocaust Resource Center of Kean University and Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation. Within 1-2 days of the program, you will receive an email with a link which you can use to join the Zoom meeting. For more information, email Dr. Adara Goldberg at agoldber@kean.edu 
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What school or institution are you affiliated with? (Optional)
What grades/subjects do you teach?
What do you hope to take away from this workshop? *
If you are an educator, would you like professional development credits for participating in this event? (A digital certificate for 2 credit hours can be provided after the event.) *
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