2025 Apple Blossom Festival GESA Entertainment Stage Application

Festival 2025 marks the 106th Washington State Apple Blossom Festival, which attracts over 100,000 visitors annually! The GESA Entertainment Stage features live music all day long, all 11 days of Festival!

If you are interested in applying to perform on the Entertainment Stage during Festival 2025, please fill out to the form below. We book live entertainment for each day of the festival and welcome any prospective entertainers that are a good, talented fit for our festival atmosphere! Contact darci@appleblossom.org with any questions!

We will aim to notify Entertainers Fall of 2024 of acceptance or not, for Festival 2025. Please apply early! Typically, applying early in the new year is too late and we already have the schedule confirmed.
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Email *
Group Name
Main Contact Name
First and Last Name please
Phone Number *
Mailing Address *
Website/Link to Your Music
Tax ID or SS # *
This is required to receive payment if requesting $600 or more
Band Genre *
Preferred Length of Performance
Choose one time you are willing to perform for - you can't play the same song twice
Suggested Fee
Example : 30 minutes for $75.00, or 60 minutes for $150.00
Payable To
If you are asking to be paid for your performance, who can we write the check out to?
Please check one
If you are a returnee from 2024
What day and time did you perform?
For Festival 2025, when are you willing to perform? *
Dates and times please
How many group members?
Equipment Needs
List any equipment needs you might have, such as chairs, microphones, etc.
Equipment you will bring
List any equipment you will be bringing with you, such as chairs, microphones, risers, platforms, etc., and include a stage plot if applicable
Please remember that this is a family show! Your choice of music, choreography, and costumes should be completely appropriate for all ages of audience members
We ask that you thoroughly scrutinize the lyrics to your music. There should be NO vulgar language, swearing, or sexually explicit references. www.lyrics.com is a great website to use if you aren’t sure of what a song is saying
No suggestive/sexual dance movements. Please remember that your moves can be interpreted differently by the audience
Costumes should be tasteful and appropriate. Please no undergarments showing, no midriff tops or pants that sit too low on the hips
The Apple Blossom Festival reserves all rights to cancel a group, mid-performance, if they do not comply with the above guidelines
Mandatory Release Form
IN CONSIDERATION of your accepting this entry, I/we jointly and severally, and intending to legally bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, and administrators, do hereby waive, release, and discharge the following: The Washington State Apple Blossom Festival, the cities and counties of event venues, the owners and managers of any public and/or private sports, recreation, or other facility used for Washington State Apple Blossom Festival events, all Washington State Apple Blossom Festival sponsors, members, staff, and volunteers, individual coaches, instructors, supervisors, or supervising or coordinating organizations, and all of the above’s members, agent, employees, representatives, successors, and assigns from any and all liability, and for claims, including those arising from negligence, and/or claims for illness, injuries, and damages that may arise directly or indirectly as a result of participation in any Washington State Apple Blossom Festival event, or of participant’s practice for any Washington State Apple Blossom Festival event, or of participant’s travel to and/or from event venues.
Washington State Apple Blossom Festival Music Licensing Agreement
The Washington State Apple Blossom Festival Entertainment in Memorial Park carries music licenses through BMI, ASCAP and SESAC. On behalf of myself and the performers in my group, we agree to only play songs that are our original works, or that are licensed by either BMI, ASCAP or SESAC. If we are not performing our original works, I will visit www.bmi.com, www.ascap.com, and www.sesac.com to ensure that the songs on our playlist are licensed by either one of these companies. My group and I will not perform any songs that do not satisfy these requirements. Independent of the licenses obtained by the Washington State Apple Blossom Festival Association, I am aware that it may be necessary for me and my group to obtain licenses to perform the songs on our playlist.
Digital Signature
Digital signature and date please
The signature of a parent or legal guardian is required if the person signing above is under the age of 18
Digital signature and date here please, if applicable
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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