Title I Program Review Survey
Please take a moment to review our School-Parent Compact and Parent and Family Engagement Policy located on the home at https://www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Domain/52.  Click on Quick Links to access both documents. Please contact the school office if you prefer a paper copy of these documents and survey at (704) 283-8520 or email Dr. Elenia Daniels at elenia.daniels@ucps.k12.nc.us.  Please provide your feedback to the questions listed below.

Thank you!

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Title 1 Program Review Parent Survey
I have reviewed the School-Parent Compact and Parent and Family Engagement Policy.
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I have not reviewed the School-Parent Compact and Parent and Family Engagement Policy.
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I recommend the following revision(s) to the School-Parent Compact.
I recommend the following revision(s) to the Parent and Family Engagement Policy.
Additional Comments.
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Dieses Formular wurde bei Union County Public Schools erstellt. Missbrauch melden