Run Club with Podiatry Coach
AUSTRALIA ONLY | Toowoomba, Queensland.

WHAT IS RUN CLUB? This is a special running technique and training session for any distances. This program has been specifically designed by Dr Renea Reich. She is a Structural Podiatrist by profession and is a Running Technique Specialist. She has been teaching biomechanical efficiency and running technique both at Toowoomba Little Athletics and in her practices (Think Feet Podiatry® and Podiatry Coach®) for over two decades. Her teachings aim to get the most out of all runners with respect to performance and injury reduction.

1 mile (1600m)
2km Cross Country
3km Cross Country
5km Park Runners
Half Marathon
Full Marathon
Marathon+ distance
Event and stage racing
The lot...

WHY THESE DISTANCES: Running is running. Runners, regardless of distance essentially have the same technique. The training sessions will encompass 4 energy systems. The short and long anaerobic (sprint) and the short and long aerobic (endurance) systems. There are many applications for other sports to compete at a higher level with a decent level of middle distance fitness.

DID YOU KNOW: Sports like Soccer, AFL, Rugby (League  or Union), Hockey and many others all rely on running as a base to these sports. Athletes are chosen to go on further because of their ability to run. It is unlikely a slow runner would be chosen to go further in their sport with just good hand-eye coordination.

INJURY PREVENTION and MANAGEMENT: Dr Renea's focus is to dial in on a biomechanically efficient running technique. She is able to identify quickly the route cause of injury and teach anyone how to get into a better position with any age or level of running. No one wants to be sitting on the side line with an injury! If you are injured, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED you still attend, Dr Renea can easily modify any activity for rehabilitation. 

1. Go faster
2. Go further
3. Stay (or get) injury free

NO ONE needs to be a super star on the track or in their respective sports to attend Run Club. Every athlete starts "from scratch". Dr Renea has been instructing for 25 years in her professional career.  Her delivery is user friendly, memorable and most importantly, fun! For the women who are returning from having babies, Dr Renea understands. You will progress in your own time as your body gets stronger. You're welcome!

SUMMER: Start of September to end of March
Tuesday 6:00 am to 7:00 am
Thursday 6:00 am to 7:00 am

WINTER: Start of April to end of August
Tuesday 6:30 am to 7:30 am
Thursday 6:30 am to 7:30 am

$5 per sesh per person
**Bring $5 cash or ask for bank details to transfer payment

LOCKING IN THE DATES: Come when you can! You do not need to commit to EVERY Tuesday and Thursday. While, the more sessions you have, the better, just come when you can. We do have runners who can commit to one day per week, both days or when they can around work and family commitments.

SESSION DATES: Queensland school time table.

1. Warm up
2. Technique correction drills
3. Specific training session
4. Racing tactics
5. Cool down, myofascial releasing (rehabilitation technique) and stretches

HOMEWORK IS EXPECTED: There is an expectation that runners will make a solid effort to complete the tasks set. An efficient running technique and performance will only improve with practice. Simply, the more practice there is, the better the results. Homework is simple and manageable. Promise!

ONGOING CARE: You will have access to Dr Renea's CLOSED Facebook group called RUN CLUB WITH PODIATRY COACH. You can post videos, pictures and ask any questions on there for clarification. This is a "learning group" for all runners, managed by Dr Renea.

BREAKFAST BEFORE SCHOOL AND WORK: Please note this time is set before most schools start and some runners don't like to eat much before running in the morning. It is highly recommended that runners have extra lunch provided for these days.

WET SHOES IN THE MORNING: Dew on the grass is normal in the morning. Shoes may be wet for school. Waffles or trail running shoes would be ideal for these training sessions, yet not essential. Dr Renea can provide footwear guidance. Please provide extra socks for school aged children.

COST: $5 per session. Cash is accepted or you can direct debit each time or in chunks. That's up to you. The direct debit details can be provided.

AGE GROUP: The minimum is 9 years of age and above. This 9 year age group has been chosen because of the level of aptitude required coupled with the intensity of the training schedule and safety of all runners in mind.

VENUE: Toowoomba Little Athletics home grounds at O'Quinn Oval. Corner of O'Quinn St and Fifth Ave. Not far from Clifford Gardens Shopping Centre.

COMMUNICATION: All notifications regarding training times, dates and extra information will be made on the CLOSED FACEBOOK GROUP designed solely for communication purposes. A link to this group will be provided upon sign up.

1. Fill out this form and you're all set! If you have more than one child or family member attending, please fill out ONE form for EACH family member.
2. Jump onto the CLOSED Facebook group for training times, dates and announcements (link sent after sign up). You'll receive a code word. You will need this for access into the closed group.

Video analysis and photography is a part of these training sessions. Athletes and parents like to see their "before and after" forms during these sessions. The graphics may be used on Think Feet Podiatry and Podiatry Coach social media pages and websites for marketing and educational purposes.

Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
メールアドレス *
I understand video analysis and photography is a part of Run Club. I also understand the images may be used on Think Feet Podiatry® and Podiatry Coach's® websites or social media pages for marketing and educational purposes. *
Runner's FIRST and LAST NAME: *
Runner's Date of Birth (DOB): *
Runner's BEST contact MOBILE NUMBER: *
Do you have any these conditions? If you answered "yes" or "other" to any of these, Dr Renea will discuss this with you further for more details. *
Emergency Contact = (full name and mobile number). This information is very important. You will not be accepted into Run Club without providing an emergency contact. *
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