Calm Up Survey 2024
I'm super grateful for your input here, questions are anonymous, however if you want to leave your First name and email at the end I will send you a thankyou gift! 
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How much do you relate to the statement: "I feel my lack of time is sabotaging my personal life and wellbeing"


Do you aspire to reduce stress and overwhelm through a holistic approach to self-care without drastic lifestyle changes?


Do you believe that changing your stress narrative and learning to find tranquility in everyday chaos is valuable?


How likely are you to embrace a self-care routine that integrates seamlessly into your current lifestyle?


Do you agree that understanding your values and creating firm boundaries can help manage stress and improve self-care practices?


How important is it to you that a self-care program is personalised to fit your unique life pressures and experiences?


 Do you feel a program that integrates self-care into your existing schedule (without getting up earlier) would be beneficial ?


How effective do you believe holistic health practices and coaching can be in managing stress and improving well-being?


Do you currently have a self-care practice in place?

Feel free to add your first name and email here and I'll send you a thankyou gift. 
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