Alumni Day 2024 
Dear Alum,

My name is Ms. Rodriguez and I am the CBI Director of College Counseling at Marble Hill School for International Studies since 2021. I am emailing you all to invite you to our Annual In-Person Alumni Day Panel on Wednesday, January 10th, 2024 with grades 9,10,11,12th.   

We are thrilled to be having our 2024 Alumni Day in-person this year.   Also - we will provide lunch afterwards for our Alumni too so plan on staying to reconnect with your friends and the staff.  

We encourage you to share this form with your fellow Alumni friends. We want to hear about your college and career journey, no matter what year you graduated from Marble Hill! The deadline to sign-up to attend the Alumni Day will be Friday, January 5th, 2024. More information will be sent out soon!

For any questions, please email or call the Director of College Counseling, Petronila Rodriguez- x 862-223-8259
E-mailadres *
Alternative email address *
First name *
Last name *
Cell Phone Number *
Graduation Year *
What is your current post-secondary status? *
What college are you currently enrolled in or graduated from?  *
Major(s) and Minor(s) *
Did you commute to school or live on campus?
Did you transfer from another college? If so, indicate all the colleges you have attended in the past.
Were/Are you enrolled in a college support program? *
Please list any organizations, student club, activities, internships, study abroad, etc. you participated at your college. *
If you are currently attending a college or working, would you be willing to connect with current Marble Hill students interested in attending the college you attended and/or learning about your career?  *
If you are currently working, please share where you were and your job title.   Feel free to descibe your job a bit too.  (If you are still in college - just put N/A) *
Choose which time slots (can be more than one) that best fit your schedule for Alumni Day Wednesday 1/10/23.   *
What valuable advice can you give Marble Hill students? *
What valuable advice can you give Marble Hill Staff? *
If you have graduated from college are you interested in becoming a Mentor, paraprofessional, school aide, or a substitute teacher? *
If you replied yes to the above question, click all ways you'd like to connect to Marble Hill. *
Comments and/or questions about Alumni Day.  
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