SIG AI Best Published Paper award nomination - 2023

ASIS&T SIG AI announces a call for nominations for the SIG AI Best Artificial Intelligence Published Paper Award. The purpose of the award is to recognize the best paper published in the scope of SIG AI (see 

Papers that have been published (i.e., not just accepted or in print) in any peer-reviewed scholarly publication (journal or conference) in the prior calendar year (2023) are eligible for the award. At least one author of a winning paper must be a member of SIG AI at the time of award. (Note that any member of ASIS&T may become a member of the SIG at any time.) 

The paper must address AI design, implementation and/or use in information science and technology as a central topic. Papers that report the results of empirical research, theoretical papers, and methodological papers are all eligible for consideration. Papers that apply AI techniques (e.g., using NLP to process data) but without a focus on design and implementation are not eligible. 

Nominations for the award should be submitted by the deadline 17th April 2024. Papers can be nominated by any member of SIG AI, including the paper authors. The award will consist of cash prize and certificates from ASIS&T.

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Nominator (note: self nominations are permitted) *
Nominator email *
Confirm that the nominator is a member of ASIS&T SIG AI*
Paper citation *
Confirm that the paper was published in calendar year 2023 (not just accepted or in print)
Rationale for nomination, considering the award criteria: theoretical framework and/or conceptual relevance to AI design and implementation; strength and appropriateness of the methodology; significance and implications of the findings; originality; and clarity of expression
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