PMQ Creative Voice x The Next Stage 17/7
PMQ Creative Voice 今次將聯同《The Next Stage ── 香港新生代平面設計師訪談》作者杜翰煬(Leumas To)與書中受訪設計師進行一連兩場的對談,透過不同主題探討並發掘更多的設計可能性。

02 → 平面設計.團隊合作.跨媒介
Hung Lam X Kenji Wong

第二場分別邀請了 CoLAB 和年輪事務所的領軍人物林偉雄(Hung Lam)及黃樹強(Kenji Wong),探討團隊合作,以至跨界合作的意義。CoLAB 的創作理念和模式,如何連結不同資源去發掘更多的設計可能性;由「五代十國」到「年輪」,Kenji一直透過團隊合作,將創意和品味薪火相傳。

時間|17.07.2021(六)18:30 - 20:00
地點|QUBE,PMQ 元創方(中環鴨巴甸街35號2/F)


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參觀須知 Note to Visitors
1. 本講座為 「Friends of PMQ」之私人講座活動,所有完成登記之參與人士將成為「Friends of PMQ」。
2. 為保障參與人士的健康,講座設有人數限制,須預先登記。
3. 登記所提供的個人資料將同時作防疫接觸追蹤用途,保留31天;場地亦有「安心出行」二維碼可供掃描或登記個人資料。PMQ元創方會根據《私隱及免責聲明》(收集及保障閣下個人資料。
4. 參與人士入場前須接受體溫測量,如有發燒徵狀,將無法入場。
5. 參與人士須佩戴自備口罩,並保持社交距離。
Note to Visitors
1. The talk is open to members of "Friends of PMQ" only. All registered guests will become “Friends of PMQ”.
2. For everyone’s health and safety, capacity is limited. Registration is required.
3. Registered personal information will also be used for the facilitation of contact tracing and kept for 31 days; the "LeaveHomeSafe" QR code is also available for scanning/fill in prescribed form at the venue. PMQ will gather and store the collected personal information base on the "Privacy& Disclaimer" (
4. Visitors are subject to temperature checks before admission; visitors with fever symptoms will not be admitted.
5. Visitors will need to wear their own masks and maintain social distancing in the exhibition.
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