Become a member of AFSA!
This is the official form of becoming a member of AFSA. 
If you have already filled in the form previously, you are an AFSA member (congrats!!) and you will be billed the next year's membership fee via email. 

You become a full member by filling in this form and paying the membership fee of 20€. The membership fee is to be paid to the AFSA account with the following information:

Account name: Amsterdam Finnish Student Association

IBAN: NL24 BUNQ 2079 9083 59


Address: Amundsenweg 2-2 1056AT Amsterdam

Message: Membership fee / your name 

Correo *
Last name *
First name *
Age *
Which city do you currently reside in? *
Phone number with area code *
What do you study?
What type of events or activities do you want AFSA to organize?
Se enviará una copia de tus respuestas por correo electrónico a la dirección que has proporcionado.
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