LCBC - VBS Food Truck Party! 
Event Timing: June 19th-23th, 2023
Event Address: 108 Hoover Rd Palo Pinto, 73484
Contact us at (940) 659-2110 or
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Students Name *
Family/Parent/Guardian Name *
Address *
Email Address *
Best Contact Phone *
Additional Contact Phone
Date of Birth *
Age *
Last school grade completed *
Home Church (if any)
Friends of your child at this church
Special needs/Allergies/Medical Information/Other
Emergency Contact One Name *
Emergency Contact One Phone *
Emergency Contact Two Name
Emergency Contact Two Phone
Name(s) of person(s) who may pick up this child from VBS *
Photo Release: Lone Camp Baptist Church has my permission to use my child's photograph publicly in VBS materials. I understand the images may be used in print publications, online publications, presentations, websites and social media. I also understand that no royalty , fee or other compensation shall become payable to me by any such use.   *
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