WODS May Days Team Registration 2024
Please review the information posted on the WODS website for details about the tournament format:

Registration is confirmed upon receipt of the fee.
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
メールアドレス *
Captain name *
Captain email address *
Captain phone number *
Team name *
This name will be used in all scheduling. If it changes, it is the captain's responsibility to notify the tournament director: events@wods.ca.
Are you and your teammates currently registered with an Ontario Ultimate club? *
Note that your registration is NOT confirmed until you have sent an e-transfer to treasurer@wods.ca for $750. Have you paid yet? *
Team members will need to register through WODS's Zuluru system in order to play in this tournament.

Instructions for how this will be communicated with captains before the tournament.
I understand that players on the team I'm registering will need to register individually through Zuluru when we are asked to do so. *
Google フォームでパスワードを送信しないでください。
このフォームは WODS.ca 内部で作成されました。 不正行為の報告