"Morse Code in My Head" Questionnaire
You may answer and submit this form anonymously, but please include information about where you were (state/country) when you heard Morse Code and include the date.  
If you regularly hear Morse Code, please keep a log of the dates/times and share those results with me.  
Thank you!
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Have you heard Morse Code "in your head"?
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When did you first hear Morse Code? When was the last time you heard Morse Code? (Dates, if possible)
Where were you when you heard Morse Code?
Were you in an urban or rural setting when you heard Morse Code?
Do you live near any of the following?
What is the "pace" of the Morse Code that you hear?
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Do you know Morse Code?
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If you know Morse Code, what letters or numbers did you hear?  Did they repeat?
Do you consider yourself to be more "Right Brained" (visual, intuitive) or "Left Brained" (verbal, logical)?
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What is your age?
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Are you male or female?
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What is your highest level of education?
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How did you find this website?
Is there other information you'd like to share?
Name (optional)
Email address (optional, but required for a personal response)
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