EMCE - Virtual Talk by Dr hab. Jakub Kubieniec
Registration form for the virtual talk by Dr hab. Jakub Kubieniec, Jagellonian University, Krakow. Series Early Music in Central Europe: Local Elements –Transregional Connections – International Research, supported by Visegrad Fund (2023–2026).

The talk will take place on:

December 5th,  2024, 4:00 PM CET

with the title:

How Central European Liturgical Traditions Emerged. The Case of Krakow


Dr. hab. Jakub Kubieniec, Jagellonian University, Kraków 

If you register here with your email address and name, you'll get a Zoom link for the talk.

We don't need other information to enable you to participate, but if you do tell us more about yourself and why you plan to attend the talk, we can aggregate this information and give it to the speaker so that they can perhaps adapt a bit, and we will use it to guide our planning for  the next talks. (If you filled this in for some of our previous events with the same email address, you don't have to do it again, of course.)

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GDPR Time: we plan to record the talk and publish it on our project's YouTube channel. That means that if you switch your camera on, your likeness may be recorded, and if you speak in the discussion, your voice will be recorded, and we need to get an explicit "Yes" from you on this. During the talk, we will alert you when recording will start and after it ends. *
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Why do you plan to attend the talk?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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