NEW!! Mix & Match Herbal Formulas Set - Sign Up
Please fill out this form if you are interested in purchasing one or more of our Mix & Match Herbal Formulas Set.

              ***The final day to fill out this form is May 31st. We will offer this set ONCE a year. ***

This set includes 16, family-sized (4 oz.), DOUBLE-tinctured (double-strength), CATALYST-added, SPECIALLY-formulated, concentrated herbal extracts. These are herbal staples for any natural medicines cabinet.

>>>>If we have more than 75 people interested in these sets, the price will be brought down to $14 per bottle = $224 for the entire set! (Regular price for 4 oz. herbal tinctures with this kind of quality are usually around $40 per bottle.)<<<<

Please share this form to help make this set and this price possible for everyone:

This herbal set contains special combinations of herbs for the following categories and issues:

--- Bacterial
--- Cough
--- Fungal
--- Internal Healing
--- Parasites
--- Viral

--- Calm
--- Detox
--- Energy
--- Fever
--- Immune Booster
--- Lymph
--- Nutrients
--- Pain & Inflammation

--- Tasty Booster
--- Topical Pain & Inflammation Spray

This set was created to provide others with the most commonly needed herbal formulas that can be "mixed and matched" based on one's symptoms or issues.

I stand by what I've taught for over 12 years - the BEST way to address an issue in the body, as effectively as possible, is to come in at a VARIETY of angles and having an array of herbal formulas such as these helps make the multi-angle approach possible. 

*************Some EXAMPLES of using these special formulas would be:**************


(Note: There is no right or wrong way to use these formulas. The formulas you choose to use are up to you, based on your set of symptoms.)

VIRAL INFECTION: You can use Viral, Lymph, Immune Booster, and Nutrients to fully support the body. If needed, you can also use Pain and Inflammation, Fever, and/or Energy if the person needs that additional boost.

PARASITIC INFECTION: You can use Parasites, Detox, and Lymph to help support the body. You can also use Immune Booster to help boost the immune system during the cleanse. And you can also consider using Internal Healing to help heal the gut after doing a detox.

MONTHLY CLEANSE: You can either use Parasites, Bacteria, Viral, then Fungal 3 x day for one week at a time each - or use them all at once, a few times a day, for a full week. Using Detox during any cleanse is always helpful. And you can also use Lymph and/or Immune Booster as you do the cleanse.

BODY ACHES and PAINS: You can use Pain & Inflammation, Nutrients, and Calm. You can also consider using Internal Healing along with those, if wanted. And you can use Topical Pain & Inflammation for any areas of the body (such as sore or painful joints, nerve pain, or muscle pain), topically, as needed.

COUGH: You can use Cough, Immune Booster, and Lymph. You can also use Viral or Bacterial (or both) and Nutrients for added efficacy.

END-OF-THE-DAY ENERGY LAG: You can use Energy and Nutrients.

***Tasty Booster can be used anytime you take the remedies. It makes the formula more palatable and gives the remedies you're taking an additional mineral-based boost.
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Mix & Match Herbal Formulas Set
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Are you interested in the following? If you have people you'd like to share this set with - you can receive a set for FREE if you pull in 20 or more orders for this set. You'll also receive an affiliate link to earn a percentage for every sale you make. (We'll contact you with details if you choose "yes".)
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