Lead Poisoning Survey
Through this survey, we are only interested in knowing how familiar people are with the issue. Please fill out this survey as candidly as possible to help us understand better the awareness of this issue.
- iGEM IIT Delhi
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Please name your country. *
If possible, please tell the village/town/city from where you are taking this survey.
It will help us track our reach :)
How would you rate your awareness regarding Lead Poisoning? *
How would you rate Lead Poisoning as a threat to public health in your country? *
Is Lead a nutrient?
According to WHO, Lead ranks amongst the ____ most dangerous chemicals in the world for public health. *
Do you know someone who had tested themselves for Lead Poisoning? *
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Is there a cure for Lead Poisoning? *

 Have you tested the water supply at your home for leaded pipes?

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Are paints used in whitewashing can be a source of Lead Poisoning? *
Can exposure to Lead lead to anti-social behaviour? *
Is someone who is using ammunition exposed to Lead Poisoning? *
Do you live with someone directly exposed to Lead as a part of their job? (Defence ammunition, Fishers, Hunters, Construction workers; painter; mechanic; electrician; makes ceramics, pottery, stained glass or jewellery)
Can eating food packed in newspapers expose you to Lead Poisoning?  *
Can we say that 'Gasoline is a source of Lead Poisoning'? *
How does WESP classify your country on economic parameters? *
You can Google for this and answer accordingly. 
Are Lead Based paints formally banned in your country?  *
You can Google for this and answer accordingly. 
Is Leaded Gasoline formally banned in your country? *
You can Google for this and answer accordingly.
Is Hunting wild animals a common practice in your country? *
You can Google for this and answer accordingly. 
Does Lead Recycling happen in your country?

You can Google for this and answer accordingly. 
Do you think Lead Recycling can be a source of Lead Poisoning? *
You can Google for this and answer accordingly. 
After answering the above questions, what can be the significant sources of Lead Poisoning in your country according to you?  *
After answering these questions, do you think there is any legislation in your country directly or indirectly preventing Lead Poisoning? *
Do you think there is scope for improvement in terms of Lead Poisoning in your country? *
After answering the questions above, how would you rate Lead Poisoning as a threat to public health in your country? *
After taking this survey, how would you rate your awareness regarding Lead Poisoning? *
Have you heard about Synthetic Biology? *
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Have you heard about Synthetic Biology? *
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Do you think Synthetic Biology can help prevent Lead Poisoning? *
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