Volunteer Questionnaire Extraordinaire 
Thank you for volunteering for Stonewall Youth! We want to make sure everyone gets to do what works best for them. This form is intended to get the gist of who you are, and what you're looking for in helping us. Please take your time to fill this out as accurately as possible, and don't be shy! We're thankful for each and every one of you just for signing up!

Our volunteer opportunities are constantly expanding (yay!) but mainly we would love your help in our events, from planning to decorating to chilling in a booth and answering questions. Set-ups and take-downs are always in need of helpers, and we are looking into getting some volunteers to help supervise our weekly (soon to be bi-weekly!) Drop-in's.
What would you like to be called (first and last) and preferred pronouns? *
How best can we reach you? *
Please list email and/or phone number *
Which age group do you fit into? *
What sort of time commitment are you looking to make? *
What is your regular availability? (Feel free to list specific days or times) *
What type of volunteer work are you comfortable with? (Feel free to describe your preference/ any stipulations.) *
Stonewall Youth plans to personalize our volunteers' working opportunities, so depending on the answers to this survey, we might not contact you for specific opportunities. Would you like to be contacted for every volunteer opportunity, or just the ones we think fit you best? (You are free to decline any offer we supply regardless of your answer to this question :) *
Do you want your hours logged by us? *
Is there anything you'd like us to know? (Go wild! More info is better!)
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