Emergency First Aid/CPR-B certification

Emergency First Aid is for people who want a general knowledge of first aid principles and the emergency treatment of injuries. Skills include: victim assessment, CPR, choking and what to do for external bleeding, heart attack, stroke wounds and burns. Includes CPR-B certification.

First Aid skills can be applied in the home, the workplace or in public locations, therefore the more First Aid certified people there are in a community the safer that community becomes. 

- Prerequisite(s) & recertification: None.
- Delivery method(s): In-person/ Classroom.
- Language: English.
- Certification currency: 3 years from the date of certification.

Dates: Saturday, July 22nd 2023.
Time: From 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Location: Cala Luna Boutique Hotel, Tamarindo.
Cost: $95 +IVA. Electronic invoice available.
Duration: Total of 8 hours.

The Emergency First Aid class is designed for individuals of all backgrounds and professions who want to acquire essential life-saving skills. It is suitable for anyone interested in learning how to respond effectively in emergency situations, including but not limited to:

-General public
-Parents and caregivers
-Teachers and school staff
-Coaches and sports trainers
-Workplace employees
-Healthcare professionals
-Community volunteers
-Safety personnel (security guards, lifeguards, etc.)
-Outdoor enthusiasts (campers, hikers, etc.)

No prior medical knowledge is required, making it accessible to individuals with varying levels of experience.
Participants will receive a certification card from the The Royal Life Saving Society Canada.

For more information, visit https://www.lifesavingsociety.com/first-aid/emergency-first-aid.aspx 

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To complete this inscription, I understand that the payment must be made prior to the certification. *
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Please click on the link below to proceed with payment and complete your inscription: https://vamos.smartbill.cr/checkout/SBt2bv2kQuXUYhcFLd2sdagDGJemw55KRc 

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