Climate Justice Solidarity at the UAW Picket Line
The UAW (United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America) are on STRIKE! We will join them on Thursday 10/26.
They are fighting for a contract that will increase wages, ensure safety, and launch the Just Transition for autoworkers. Climate justice advocates have already joined stand up strikes across the country, including here in MA at the Mopar Boston Parts Distribution Center in Mansfield. We are planning a coordinated day of solidarity on THURSDAY 10/26 from 5-7pm. Sign up below if you are able to join! Even if you can only be there for a part of the evening, come out for the time you can.
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What organization(s) are you a part of?
Town (where you will leave from to join the picket line)
How will you get to the picket line in Mansfield, MA?
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If you are driving, are you willing to bring others from your area?
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If you are willing to bring others from your area, how many available seats are there in your vehicle?
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Do you have any comments or questions?
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