SKEVA Skill Clinic Signup Form
Use this form to sign up for SKEVA Clinics! Clinic calendar can be accessed using the link below. Clinics will be $15 each, and you can sign up for others using the same form. Thank you!
Google에 로그인하여 진행상황을 저장하세요. 자세히 알아보기
Athlete Last Name *
Athlete First Name *
Athlete current school grade *
Emergency Contact Name *
Emergency Contact Cell Number *
Select the 14U and younger clinics that you would like to sign up for below, as well as the corresponding dates. Please use the SKEVA Calendar on the website to see this in a calendar view! Use the description below for a link to the calendar. Please skip this section if you are 15U and Above.
Sunday, October 10th
Sunday, October 17th
Select the 15U and Above clinics that you would like to sign up for below, as well as the corresponding dates. Please use the SKEVA Calendar on the website to see this in a calendar view! Use the description below for a link to the calendar. Please skip this section if you are 14U and Below.
Sunday, October 16th
Sunday, October 24th
Please verify that you have read the Covid Waiver of liability and agree to its conditions. *
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이 설문지는 Southern Kentucky Elite Volleyball Academy 내부에서 생성되었습니다. 악용사례 신고