How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying May/June 2024 (presented by Roleystone Theatre Inc.)
Thank you for coming to see 'How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying' (May/June 2024) at the Roleystone Theatre.

We welcome your feedback about the production, the theatre company and also the venue - please answer the questions below to share your insights.

We appreciate your time in helping our community theatre group better understand the feelings and needs of our audiences.

Roleystone Theatre Inc.
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What did you enjoy most about your theatre experience when you came to see 'How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying'? *
Did you find the production held your interest (and that of your party if you did not attend alone)? *
Not very
Very much
How satisfied were you with the following? Swipe across if you cannot see all rating numbers *
1 = Very dissatisfied  5 = Very satisfied
Front of House experience
Venue (Roleystone Theatre)
Ticketing process
Ticket price
Sound quality
The quality of the production
If you were dissatisfied with any of the above, how could we improve?
How satisfied were with the overall experience of attending 'How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying'? *
Any additional feedback on your experience with the venue or the production itself? *
Would you recommend attending this, or another Roleystone Theatre production, to friends and family? *
How did you find out about the production of 'How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying'? *
If 'other' - where or how did you find out about the production?
Your post code *
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