PARTICIPANT RELEASE AGREEMENT for Adults (age 18+) …continue below…

Please note:  If you are a parent or guardian of a non-adult (under the age of 18) who will be participating or entering the rink area… please complete this form by entering your child’s name (below).  You will then be provided with the release agreement form for you to “sign” electronically (giving consent) with your name entered separately as the Parent/Guardian...
Participant's Name *
Please enter the participant's FIRST and LAST NAME (required) for acknowledgement of participation release agreement.
Email *
Please enter EMAIL ADDRESS correctly to receive a message after today.  It will not be shared outside of club, so no need to use a fake email address.  We just want to tell you about curling events and other club activities -- especially if you decide you want to keep playing! :)
Adult Participant Release Agreement
Agree to Waiver/Release.  Select "view electronic copy" to review here (on this device) before agreeing to terms & conditions.  IF YOU ARE THE PARENT OR GUARDIAN of the NON-ADULT PARTICIPANT (NAMED ABOVE), please select the latter  option (below) to accept responsibility on their behalf...  
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