Public lecture series (Goethe University Frankfurt)

Under the theme of “Female Skilled Labor Migration Across the Globe”, the lecture series invites scholars, practitioners and anyone interested in gender and migration around the globe to an inspiring round of lectures and critical discussions on the topic (lecture series abstract). The public lectures feature significant contributions from scholars whose works on topics on gender in skilled migration in Germany, Europe and around the globe. If you are interested in any lecture topics, please register and join us. 

  • 7 November 2022 (5pm; hybrid): Eleonore Kofman & Parvati Raghuram: “Gender and skilled migration: Histories and changing modalities”  Room PEG 1.135 (PEG-Gebäude, Campus Westend / Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6, Frankfurt am Main) (click: abstract and bio)
  • 28 November 2022 (6pm; virtual): Qulsom Fazil: “Stories across three generations of British Pakistani females living in the UK” (abstract and bio)
  • 15 December 2022 (6pm; in person): Anja Weiß “Socio-spatial autonomy of female skilled migrants” Room IG 411 (IG-Farben Haus / Poelzig-Bau Campus Westend / Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1, Frankfurt am Main) (abstract and bio)
  • 16 January 2023 (6pm; virtual): Yonson Ahn: “Caring with emotion: Korean nurses in Germany” (abstract and bio)
  • 09 February 2023 (6pm; hybrid): Radha Sarma Hegde “License to dream: Skilled mobilities and the politics of gender”  PEG 1.G100 (PEG-Gebäude, Campus Westend / Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6, Frankfurt am Main (abstract and bio)
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Thank you for RSVP. The location details for in-person attendees and the online link for the virtual attendees will be sent a week before the event. 

For further questions, feel free to contact the conveners via the following email: 

Dr. Ruth Achenbach (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Dr. Joohyun Justine Park (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Dr. Helena Hof (Max-Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity)
Dr. Aimi Muranaka (University of Duisburg-Essen)
Dr. Megha Wadhwa (Free University of Berlin)

This public lecture series is part of the project ‘Qualification and Skill in the Migration Process of Foreign Workers in Asia’ funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), organized at the Interdisciplinary Centre for East Asian Studies (IZO), Goethe University Frankfurt.

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