2022 FIM MiniGP Ireland Series. Competitor Registration Form
Registration Criteria:

The FIM MiniGP Ireland Series is suitable for riders with previous Minibike, Motocross and Grass Track experience as well as novice racers.
Riders with previous experience can enter by filling out the registration form and then contacting Ohvale Ireland to arrange purchase of the FIM MiniGP bike and spares package.
Riders without previous experience will be able to avail of a tryout and assessment day in early 2022 prior to committing to the series

Riders must be between 10 and 14 years of age.
Riders must be born on or after 01/01/2008

Riders must be an member of a club that is affiliated to the MCUI SC / UC or MRA

Riders must have a Junior Type J or Short Circuit Grade B Competition Licence *
* Newcomers will be required to undertake a rider assessment

For further information please contact mcishortcircuitcommittee@gmail.com
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FIrst Name *
Surname *
Date of Birth *
Address *
Preferred race number (excluding #1 #2 #3) *
Please detail your competition experience *
Parent/Guardian First Name *
Parent/Guardian Surname *
Parent/Guardian address if different from above
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
Parent/Guardian Contact Email *
Parent or Guardian declaration
I declare that my/our child may participate in the FIM MiniGP Ireland Series
I also declare as follows

1. That I am/we are familiar with the nature of the competition and the risk inherent therein and that other than where not provided for by the nature of the event, my/our child will have the opportunity to inspect the course/track. Circuit and its facilities not less than 30 minutes prior to commencement, of practice or event which ever occurs first.
2. I am/we are satisfied and consent that my/our child be allowed to participate as a competitor and that he she is competent to do so.
3. In consideration of the organisers allowing my/our child to compete I hereby agree to undertake to Indemnify the Motor Cycle Union of Ireland Southern centre, the  clubs, the organisers, their servants or agents, officials and the promoter or any other bodies individuals connected with the event in respect of any claim by my/our child in respect of injury or any damage to my property howsoever caused, and including limitation their negligence and/or breech of statutory duty arising from my/our child's participation in the competition.
4. My/our child does not suffer from any physical or mental disability, which would make it unsafe for him/her to participate as a competitor.
5. I/we confirm that I/we has had the opportunity to read, and that I/we consequently understand the general competition rules of the Motor Cycle Union of Ireland, the Standing Regulations, supplementary Regulations and any final instructions subsequently issued and Entry Forms applicable to the event, and that is my/our responsibility to ensure that my/our child understands them and that he/she will comply with them.
6. To the best of my/our belief my/our child possesses the standard of competence necessary for an event of this type to which his/her entry relates and that the machine entered will be suitable, safe and will comply with the Regulations for those events.

You must read the above. If you have read and agree to the above declaration please tick the box. *
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