RSVP for Navigating MIT Series- Fall 2022
Topics throughout the semester to support international students with adjustment to MIT and the U.S.

Open to all international students: undergrad, grad, and non-degree students

Most sessions will be held in person, unless otherwise stated. Lunch or dinner will be available to take with you at the end of the event.
Space is limited. If you cannot attend and would like to receive the slides, please indicate that in the form.

Please RSVP (register) below for each session you are interested in. If you can no longer attend, please notify the organizer Dana Riechman at as there is limited space.
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Navigating MIT Series for International Students
Please choose the sessions you are interested in attending.
Discover Boston: Wednesday, October 5; 5pm - 6pm in E19-202
Presented by the ISO. We will be sharing ideas for cheap and free things to do in the Boston/Cambridge area. You are encouraged to take advantage of what the city has to offer, even once it gets cold outside!
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Stress Management: Friday, October 14; 12pm-1pm, 5pm - 6pm in E19-202
Presented by Dr. Xiaolu Hsi, MIT Student Mental Health & Counseling Services. Tips for handling everyday stress, as well as particularly stressful situations.
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American Culture and Friendship: Wednesday, October 19; 5pm - 6pm in E19-202
Presented by the ISO. We will discuss culture shock and tips for adjustment, as well as explain aspects of U.S. culture that may be confusing or surprising. We'll finish up the workshop by discussing forming friendships with Americans. Bring your questions and observations!
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Imposter Phenomenon: Wednesday, December 7; 2pm - 3pm [virtual] (RESCHEDULED FROM Thurs November 17, 1pm to 2pm)
Presented by MIT Student Mental Health & Counseling Services
Do you make excuses about your successes? (“I’m just lucky, was at the right place at the right time, anyone could have done it.” etc). Do you remember every failure and review it like a crime scene--over and over again your head? Do you procrastinate on academic work that matters to you? Have you held back from submitting a paper for publishing or conference or grant? You may be suffering from Imposter Phenomenon. Learn about this phenomenon and strategies to keep it from hijacking your academic experience.

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Do you have any questions or comments regarding the topic of the Imposter Phenomenon?
Financial Goal Setting 101: Thursday, December 1; 5pm - 6pm in E19-202
Join Student Financial Services for an interactive workshop geared towards helping you develop short and long term financial goals. Participants will leave with the tools and knowledge to set their own goals and tips on budgeting and saving!

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Finish Strong: End-of-Semester Hacks: Friday, December 9; 12pm - 1pm in E19-202
This wellness coaching workshop will help you learn practical techniques to maintain your focus, plan for your deadlines, ignore self-doubt, and take care of your mind and body in the final weeks of the semester.

Facilitator: Zan Barry

Susanna (Zan) Barry, PsyD is a senior program manager in Community Wellness at MIT Medical and a national board-certified health coach. Her preventive health programs at MIT include stress reduction, sleep health, mindfulness, motivation, and meaning.

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Do you have any questions or comments regarding the topic of finishing the semester/end-of-semester hacks?
Your status at MIT *
Your program start date *
Example: Fall 2022; Spring 2021
Your major or department
Thank you for registering.
We look forward to seeing you there! If you cannot attend, especially in person, please notify the organizer at
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