MeshPower Career Application Pre-Screening
Please complete this form to apply for the position.
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Email *
What role are you applying for? *
What is highest academic level you have achieved? *
What university/institute/vocational school did you graduate from? *
What degree/certification did you graduate with? *
Do you have a valid driver's licence for motorcycles in Rwanda? *
Do you have a clear police record? *
Are you able and willing to occasionally work "off" hours:  early morning, late evening and weekends? *
Do you live in the Kabarondo area? *
If you do not live in the Kabarondo area, would you be willing to relocate for this job? *
Do you have any experience doing customer surveys?  Please describe in a short paragraph. *
Do you have any experience working with rural households?  Please describe in a short paragraph. *
What are the GPS coordinates for the Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA) office? *
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