Funeral Program Information
Please complete all fields pertaining to your program request. 
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If it isn't Epic, then it is Ordinary!
Please enter your First and Last Name *
Please enter you email address *
Is this a cremation or burial? *
Name of Deceased (first, middle, last, suffix)
Heading of Program Cover
Date of Birth
Date of Death
Name of service location (name of church, funeral home, etc.)
Service location Address (include city, state & zip)
Date of Service (Please list the complete day and date
Time of Service (Please list AM or PM as well
Order of Service

If you have this typed out (no photos, screenshots, but typed out, you can email it to me, along with the photos). Otherwise, please complete the following sections
Organ Prelude (title of song)
Processional (normally this is clergy and family)
Old Testament Scripture (Minister's Name their Church)
New Testament Scripture (Minister's Name and their Church)
Prayer (Name of Person and their Church)
Selection/Song - Name and Title (if someone will sing a solo or the choir will sing, please list their name and the song, if you know it.)
Resolutions - Name and Title (Resolutions are usually sent written by the church the person was a member of, and sometimes family member's churches will send one. Please indicate who will read the Resolutions.
 Who will read the obituary? Or we can put "read silently"
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Obituary - Please write the Obituary as you want it printed. If you have it typed out, and want to email it, you can do that when you send the photos.  The Obituary MUST be typed in Word or a PDF, but it CANNOT be scanned, a photo, or anything that I cannot edit. *Typing is an additional fee
Expressions - You can list the name of people who will share their expressions, for example, as a mom - Melody Smith, as a friend - Smith, Melody OR we can allow anyone to speak, and type (2 minutes please)
Selection/Song - Name and Title (if someone will sing a solo or the choir will sing, please list their name and the song, if you know it.)
Eulogy/Sermon - Minister's Name and their Church (Do you want to use Eulogy, Sermon, or something else? List the name of the person who will preach and the name of their church. Don't forget Dr., Rev., Pastor, etc
Recessional (this is usually clergy and family)
If there is anything more to add, please list it here and where it should go on the program. (For example, before the Resolutions, after the Sermon, etc.)
Active Pallbearers - list all, double check spelling please (These are the Pallbearers that will carry the casket, if applicable)
Honorary Pallbearers - list all, double check spelling please (These are the Pallbearers that usually include family, friends, etc.)
Funeral Arrangements Entrusted to: Name of Funeral Home
Funeral Home's Address, City, State, Zip Code
Interment - Name of location (this is the cemetery, if applicable)
Interment - Address, City, State, Zip (this is the cemetery, if applicable)
Repass: Complete location information, including full address (this is the location where food or other celebrations are held after the service, if applicable)
Acknowledgements (this is the thank you from the family)
(THIS SHOULD BE A NUMBER) How many photos would you like included in the program? *Note: I do not accept screenshots or cropped photos! Please send the photos as is, and I will edit them. This will help with printing.
Quantity of programs (if I'm printing)
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Program Style (I can decide for you, based on information & photos)
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Funeral Design Package (Optional)
Would you like the Funeral Design Package listed above for $175?
If you are using a different printer, Office Depot, etc., please provide their full address with zip code. I will send the print file to them, (after approval from you) with instructions to ensure they print correctly
Email * (You will receive an email requesting photos)  *Note: I do not accept screenshots or cropped photos! Please send the photos as is, and I will edit them.
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