Flexible Instruction Day (FID)--Attendance Form
Please answer the following questions and ensure that you submit the form by 10 AM.
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Email *
REMEMBER---No FID days on May 22 & May 25; Last Day for Attendance is June 2 (Seniors last day is May 29).
Today's Date *
Last Name *
First Name *
Building *
Grade Level *
Homeroom Teacher's Name *
Which of the following best describes your plan for today? *
ANY child in the FC School District (this includes children 1-18 years of age) can receive a free breakfast/lunch.  Which of the following best describes your plan for lunch today?  Lunch drops are Monday-Wednesday-Friday *
I would like to add this many more lunches for children in my household that are not currently enrolled in FCSD (either not of school age or have already graduated and are under the age of 18).  Please list number of lunches you are requesting minus the child who this form is completed for....
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Biểu mẫu này đã được tạo ra bên trong Fort Cherry School District. Báo cáo Lạm dụng