Parent Survey 15th May
Please only complete if you have a child in the current Nursery, Reception, Year 1 or Year 6.
Please complete the survey for each individual child if you have more than one in the specified year groups.
You are welcome to change your mind after the survey, so please be reassured that you will not be challenged on or held to account for your responses to this survey.
Thank you for your help.
Log in bij Google om je voortgang op te slaan. Meer informatie
Full name of child (first name and surname): *
Your child's year group: *
If the school reopens your child's class on 1st June 2020, how likely are you to send your child into school? *
If your answer to the above question is 'Not likely', please could you let us know why (for example, an extremely vulnerable child or family member, clinically vulnerable child or family member, parental choice, etc)
Formulier wissen
Verzend nooit wachtwoorden via Google Formulieren.
Dit formulier is gemaakt in Crown Lane Primary School. Misbruik rapporteren