Mr. Cristian's Class, Week 2
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Watch this video for this week's Mass readings and then answer the questions below.
También puedes verlo en español.
1. Go Himself is Love, a love between the Father and the Son shared in the .... *
2. Marriage is more than a two people making a promise, it's a bond .... by God. *
3. Marriage is a ...., a calling from God. *
This Friday October 1st is the Feast day of St Therese of Lisieux, our patron Saint. To learn about her watch this video and then answer the questions below.
4. St Therese of Lisieux is also known as the ... *
5. What is the name of her biography? *
6. St Therese is the patron Saint of ... *
Watch this video and then Fill in the missing word.
7. Science use our sense perception and rationality to a better understanding of what is around us, religion uses revelation and faith to come to a better understanding of ... something is and what we're suppose to do with it. *
Watch this video and answer the questions below.
8. According to St Gregory of Nyssa and St Thomas Aquinas we are made in the image of God speaks to a special quality contain within ... *
9. Other like Karl Barth and St John Paul II said that we are created in the image of God because we are social being capable of being in union ... *
10. The third explanation is that to the extend that we act as God does with ... and ... with God's creation. *
11. While we were created in the image and likeness of God, Jesus .... *
12. So what does it looks like to be created in the image and likeness of God? It looks like being created in the image of ... *
Pray and meditate on the Our Father along with this video. If you don't know the Our Father by heart please learn it with this video. In a few weeks you will be ask to recite it to one of your teacher.
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