Shine Your Light ~ Group Mentorship Application Form
I'm so excited that you've found your way here and that you're ready to say YES to making your dream healing business a reality! I can't wait to guide you on this path and show you what is possible when you truly follow your calling as a healer.

Fill out this form to apply to join this life-changing mentorship to create your powerful and abundant healing business!

This will be a small group container limited to 8 spots ~ let me know why you are the perfect fit to join us on this incredible journey!
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Full Name *
Email address *
Birth Date, Year, Time & Place: *
Where are you based? What time zone are you in? *
Instagram Username *
How did you find Rosie & this mentorship? What brought you here? *
What is the magic you're sharing with the world? Tell me about your work and where you're currently at with your business! *
What do you LOVE about your work and business right now? What lights you up? What is the transformation you love to create for your clients? *
If you could wave a magic wand and create anything you dream of in 6 months time, what would your life and business look like? Be as specific as you like in terms of business, life, love, home, lifestyle, everything! 

(Don't forget to dream as big as you like and have fun with this question!)
What is your current monthly income (from your healing business)?

What would you like it to be in 6-12 months time?
What are the biggest challenges or questions coming up in your healing business right now? Where are you excited to see the MOST improvement? What do you hope this mentorship can support you with the most?  *
What would you most love to receive from this 6 month mentorship? How would you like to leave this journey feeling / having achieved? *
3 words to describe how you would like running your soul-led healing business to FEEL? *
How do you think working with me will support you in creating transformation in your business and life? What would you most like my support with? *
Are you ready to say YES to your dreams of being a successful, abundant, powerful healer, making this investment and betting on yourself fully? (Directing your energy, time and money towards what you truly want!)
This course requires an investment that will propel you towards the life you want to create. It's normal that it feels scary betting on yourself, but when you do it has the ability to completely change your life! Are you ready? Which payment option would you like to choose? *
Anything else you would like to share? Do you have any questions for me? I am SO excited to support you on this journey and show you all that is possible when you follow your path as a healer! *
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