The Innovation at the Nexus of Food, Energy, and Water Systems (InFEWS) Fellows Program is open to all UC Berkeley PhD and Master's students in good standing in any field, with a focus on engineering, physical sciences, natural sciences, social sciences, business, education, information and communication, or public health. Interested students are encouraged to apply early in their degree to most benefit from being a part of the InFEWS Fellows community. All Fellows will be eligible for special events, workshops, professional development, internship travel funds, and other InFEWS program elements. More info:
https://blumcenter.berkeley.edu/academics/infews/PhD students who are also interested in the Development Engineering (DevEng) Designated Emphasis (DE), please check the box below. More info at
deveng.berkeley.edu. InFEWS is a part of the larger Development Engineering program, but it is not a requirement that InFEWS Fellows also enroll in the DevEng DE.
Funding eligibility:
DevEng DE enrollment is required for InFEWS Fellows seeking tuition+stippend funding. Funded Fellows must be US citizens or permanent residents, per NSF guidelines. Select Fellows who apply by the deadline are eligible to get a year of funding, including tuition, fees, and $34,000 stipend. Strong priority is given in allocating funds to students who enroll in the DE, as this demonstrates the strongest commitment to devoting the student’s graduate work to InFEWS areas.
Application Process:
Before applying, interested students are required to arrange a consultation meeting with one of the InFEWS Faculty Academic Advisors (core InFEWS faculty, see faculty list here).
If you are interested in the Development Engineering DE, it is recommended that students also speak with the Development Engineering Graduate Student Affairs Officer.
Application requirements:
1. Go over this online form to make sure you have all the necessary information for submitting your application.
2. In this online application form you'll need to attach a letter of intent summarizing research interests and any educational or employment background in issues related to development economics or development engineering, and how you intend to focus your research at the nexus of food, water, and energy. (500 word limit).
Current UC Berkeley students, applying for tuition and stippend, should provide a letter of recommendation from a member of the InFEWS faculty academic group or their graduate research advisor in their home department. The letter should be emailed to
INFEWS@berkeley.edu. Students applying to UC Berkeley for admissions should work with their application department’s admissions office to see if they are eligible and obtain departmental approval to apply.
Note: The faculty letter could be submitted by the faculty member separately, or as part of your package.
Eligible students applying for InFEWS Fellows' funding will check the box in this form and will need to supply information on current financial aid.
Current InFEWS Fellows, who did not previously receive the fellow's funding ($34k stipend, plus tuition and fees), and are eligible under NSF rules (US citizen or permanent resident), can apply for funding through this application form. Your letter of intent needs to include an updated statement that summarizes your research interests and how you intend to focus your research towards the nexus of food, water, and energy. It should additionally describe progress you have made in the prior year towards this goal through relevant classes or professional experience (500 word limit).
For any questions, please email:
InFEWS@berkeley.eduNSF- This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DGE-1633740. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
All students accepted as fellow, irrespectively to the type of funding they recieve, need to aknowledge NSF with the above comment on all publication and presentations! By submitting this appolication, you agree, that if you are selected as a felllow, you will include the aknowledgment to NSF on all academic publications and presentations.