What tools do you use when interacting with Kubernetes for CRUD, Debugging, and Monitoring tasks? Thank you for your participation!
We are recruiting participants to complete a quick, 5-minute survey and help contribute towards a deeper understanding of Kubernetes tasks and tool choices. 

This survey is part of an ongoing research study by Cora Coleman (UCSD), William Griswold (UCSD), and Nick Mitchell (IBM Research) and participation is voluntary and anonymous. Do not include confidential information in your responses, or any names or other sensitive personal information that could identify you or any other person. Comments will be reviewed and potentially shared as written and will not be edited. Individual responses will be seen only by the researchers and aggregate data will be published and available via the Internet. 

Please reach out via email to ccoleman at ucsd dot edu with any feedback, questions, or if you need your data removed. We appreciate any feedback you may have on this survey.
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What is your job title? *
What are your job roles? Please rank these from most primary (1) to least (5).
Design/UX (User Experience)
Operations/SRE (Site Reliability Engineer)
Product/Offering Management
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What is the size of the company you are working for? *
What is the size of the team you are working with? *
Are you / your team currently a provider of a cloud service and if so, what best classifies the kind of cloud service you provide? (SaaS for instance Google Docs, etc. | IaaS for instance Amazon EC2, etc. | PaaS for instance Google App Engine, etc.) *
Are you / your team currently a user of a cloud service and if so, what best classifies the model of the service used? (IaaS for instance Amazon EC2, etc. | PaaS for instance Google App Engine, etc.) *
What is your Cloud provider? *
How many years of professional software development experience do you have? *
How many years of experience do you have in developing for the Cloud? *
How many years of experience do you have with Kubernetes? *
What is your level of experience with Kubernetes? *
How frequently do you use Kubernetes? *
When using Kubernetes, how often are you working on CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) tasks? (For example creating or deleting an application, etc.) *
When working on Kubernetes CRUD tasks, what kind of tool do you prefer to use? (CLI for example kubectl, etc. | IDE for example IntelliJ IDEA, etc. | Web console for example OpenShift console, etc.) *
When using Kubernetes, how often are you working on Debugging tasks? (For example if a resource never came online, came online and failed, or hasn't failed but is unreachable such that you cannot ping it, etc.) *
When working on Kubernetes Debugging tasks, what kind of tool do you prefer to use? (CLI for example kubectl, etc. | IDE for example IntelliJ IDEA, etc. | Web console for example OpenShift console, etc.) *
When using Kubernetes, how often are you working on Monitoring tasks? (For example to determine whether an application was successfully created or if you want to check cpu utilization, etc.) *
When working on Kubernetes Monitoring tasks, what kind of tool do you prefer to use? (CLI for example kubectl, etc. | IDE for example IntelliJ IDEA, etc. | Web console for example OpenShift console, etc.) *
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