Open and Affordable Course Content Usage
Thank you for reporting your open and affordable course content usage!

Such information helps VCU Libraries track the prevalence of these materials across the VCU community, calculate savings for our students, and shape programming to support the continued usage of open and affordable course content at VCU.

For the purposes of this survey, please only report materials that are freely available to students. Such materials may be OER, available through the library, or freely available through other resources.

Please submit a separate form for each class each semester  that uses open affordable course content.
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Email *
Class information
Class number and section (e.g. ANTH101-001) *
Semester (e.g. Fall 2019) *
Course materials information
What type of open and affordable course content are you using? *
Please provide information about the material(s) you are using: title, author, and, if possible, a URL *
If possible, please provide information about previous material(s): title, author, publisher, price of new version
How are you sharing information about the material(s) with your students? (Please check all that apply) *
VCU Libraries Assistance
To review the assistance VCU Libraries provides for Open and Affordable Course Content, please visit
Please indicate any assistance from VCU Libraries in your adoption of open and affordable course materials. (Please check all that apply)
VCU Libraries can follow-up with me to gather feedback from me/my students on using these materials in class.
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