Before School Care Survey for Middle School Families
Families that will have middle school aged students enrolled in Tift County Schools in the 2024-2025 school year are asked to complete this survey.  

We recognize the staggered start times may create a challenge for working families. Specifically, we are seeking information on the needs families have for before school supervision of middle school students. 

We have a community partner organization, specifically Tiftarea YMCA, that may be able develop a before school program for middle school aged students to help support the safety and supervision of our students and to support the needs of our families. The program would be a fee-for-service program meaning families would pay a weekly fee for a child to participate. The before school care program would be designed to provide students with a variety of options of activities to include gym time (sports/athletic games), supervised homework completion, and other academically based games (e.g., board games).

To help us provide information to our community partner to help them determine if a need exists within the community and if families are willing to pay a nominal fee for before school childcare to warrant the initiation of a program, please complete the following survey by Monday, July 22, 2024.
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